Chris Janese’s Blog

Understanding When Children are Angry

Understanding When Children are Angry

Anger is a normal part of children's daily lives, and though they may not express it in overt ways, parents should be alert to the emotional storm they are brewing. It is essential to understand when young children are angry because it can help them learn to manage...

How Sports Benefit Children

How Sports Benefit Children

Sports are an essential part of our culture. They provide excitement, distraction, and opportunity for physical activity. They also teach children discipline, teamwork, fair play, and more. They can be a great way to improve your health and well-being. Here, we will...

What’s a Time-In?

What’s a Time-In?

Most parents are familiar with the term "time-out" when teaching young ones that behaving poorly isn't a good idea. But how many are familiar with the term "time-in?"   Reviewing Time-Out Parenting children is about teaching with love, guidance and consistency,...

Understanding Separation Anxiety in Kids

Understanding Separation Anxiety in Kids

Separation anxiety can be a massive challenge for parents, especially as the last several years have taken an emotional toll on children everywhere. Many children suffer from separation anxiety at various points in their lives. It could occur at school, daycare, or...

Training Your New Family Dog

Training Your New Family Dog

Getting a family dog is a huge responsibility for everyone in the family. A dog is an extension of your family. They should be cared for, loved, and played with just like anyone else in the family! Training your new pup can bring a lot of new challenges. When thinking...

How To Make Your Family Camping Checklist

How To Make Your Family Camping Checklist

When camping, it's important to be prepared. Because a camper is outdoors, often miles from a town, one has to consider things they wouldn't normally think of. Additionally, a smart camper will want to pack as lightly as possible, especially if they're going to be...

Everything you Need to Know about Raising a Sensitive Kid

Everything you Need to Know about Raising a Sensitive Kid

Parenting a sensitive child can be a bumpy road full of confusion, frustration, and unexpected breakdowns. But despite these daily challenges, you still love your seed unconditionally and yearn to give them the care and support they need to live a fulfilling life both...

Where Are The Best Places To Travel With A Toddler?

Where Are The Best Places To Travel With A Toddler?

Traveling for entertainment, relaxation or recreational purposes is something that we all tend to enjoy on a regular basis. On the other hand, things can be a bit difficult at times when traveling with a toddler. Toddlers tend to be too small for certain amusement...

How to Plan the Perfect Road Trip

How to Plan the Perfect Road Trip

Planning a road trip can be daunting. There are so many things to consider: where you want to go, how long should it take, what route should you take? At the end of the day, it's about finding the balance between your needs and wants as well as those of the people in...

How to Avoid Getting Sick While Travelling

How to Avoid Getting Sick While Travelling

As the world keeps easing restrictions, especially after the Covid Pandemic and people are getting more comfortable booking flights again, I am sure everyone wants to have some good old fun traveling and going on vacations. This period would be a great time and one...